Saturday 6 July 2024

A Return to Blogging?

It has been a long time since I posted anything on this blog and the main reason for this post is to see if anyone will still read it.

I am 50 next year and I have big plans for 50 new starts.  I was thinking of blogging about it - this year will be the planning and kitting and then next year working on the projects.

So if you see this can you let me know?  Just a short comment - an emoji if you can't think of anything to write and I'll see what the response is.  I may just blog it for my own personal memories but it would be nice to think others were seeing it as well.

Thanks for reading (hopefully) and I'll see you soon.



Sparkly Rock Girl said...

Your post popped up on the blog reader I use - so absolutely if you post about your 50 starts I will be happily reading along!

Nic said...

Sparkly Rock Girl - thank you so much for commenting. I can't work out how to reply to your comment so I hope you see this! I'm excited to now I have at least a couple of people reading.

Paula said...

Can’t wait to read about your 50 starts

Paula said...

Can’t wait to read about your 50 starts

H.M. said...

Wow, 50 starts, sound great. I would love to follow-up your progress!

Kitty said...

50 starts...WOW!!

Week beginning 21st July 2024

I'm happy to say that following on from a poor stitching week last week I've had a great week this week.  Achieved all my goals and ...