My second WIPocalypse update. Unfortuately this month I seem to have added more to my stash than I have done work on my WIPocalypse projects. I am under no illusion that any of my new additions will be completed this year though.
Forbidden Doorway SK SAL - HAED - started 08.01.12 - completed 567 of 21,258 stitches which is 2.67% complete.
Hanging Loose Christmas Ornaments - Cross Stitcher Magazine (November 2011) - as of 18.01.12 12.5% complete
Nativity - first part started
Secret Project 2 - Baby - I will be able to post pictures of this later this year - two thirds of first afghan square finished
Living with Charm - Lizzie Kate - Part 10 complete as of 14.01.12
Cinnamon Cat Birth Sampler - started 21.12.11 - 2,957 of 11,068 stitches - 26.72% complete - no progress since last update
Gerbera Daisy Cushion - Just Cross Stitch Magazine - 23,726 of 28,224 stitches - 84.06% complete - no progress since last update
Hickory Dickory Dock QS - HAED - 20,344 of 26,775 stitches - 75.98% complete as of 02.01.12 - no progress since last update
Secret Project 1 - Ink Circles - I won't be able to publish any pictures of this project but will update my stats - 11.49% complete - no progress since last update
Six Fat Men - Lizzie Kate - 3 out of 6 complete - no progress since last update