Thursday, 23 February 2012

Updates as of 23rd February 2012

Well after my quick post last night I thought I'd update you on the progress for which I can show you pictures.

First update is of the plastic canvas nativity.  I completed the smallest piece of the set which is the baby Jesus in the manger.

I'm very close to finishing the largest piece of the set which is the background, I just need to fill in the blue and do the back stitching.


I've done a little bit more on the Six Fat Men.

Finally this is a picture of what I am going to add to my rotation next.  It's called String of Hearts and was in issue 206 of Cross Stitch Collection.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

First Happy Dance of 2012!

Well I've stayed up way past my normal bed time to complete my first finish for 2012.  Unfortunately it's one of my secret projects so I can't put any photos up yet but hopefully it won't be too long until I can.

Still having a little dance even though I can't share it yet.

Monday, 6 February 2012

WIPocalypse - 07.02.12

My second WIPocalypse update.  Unfortuately this month I seem to have added more to my stash than I have done work on my WIPocalypse projects.  I am under no illusion that any of my new additions will be completed this year though.

Forbidden Doorway SK SAL - HAED - started 08.01.12 - completed 567 of 21,258 stitches which is 2.67% complete.

Hanging Loose Christmas Ornaments - Cross Stitcher Magazine (November 2011) - as of 18.01.12 12.5% complete

Nativity - first part started

Secret Project 2 - Baby - I will be able to post pictures of this later this year -  two thirds of first afghan square finished

Living with Charm - Lizzie Kate - Part 10 complete as of 14.01.12

Cinnamon Cat Birth Sampler - started 21.12.11 - 2,957 of 11,068 stitches - 26.72% complete - no progress since last update

Gerbera Daisy Cushion - Just Cross Stitch Magazine - 23,726 of 28,224 stitches - 84.06% complete - no progress since last update

Hickory Dickory Dock QS - HAED - 20,344 of 26,775 stitches - 75.98% complete as of 02.01.12 - no progress since last update

Secret Project 1 - Ink Circles - I won't be able to publish any pictures of this project but will update my stats - 11.49% complete - no progress since last update

Six Fat Men - Lizzie Kate - 3 out of 6 complete - no progress since last update

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Miscellaneous as of 04.02.12

I'm making good progress with my secret project and have probably done about a two thirds of the first square so far.  The fabric I am stitching it on is quite difficult to work with so it's taking me much longer than a normal project would but it's nice to stitch on something different for a change.

One of the goals I have set myself for the year is to complete the 24 Christmas ornaments on plastic canvas from the November 2011 issue of Cross Stitcher Magazine.  I am hoping to turn them into some form of advent calendar so I need to stitch at least 2 a month to reach my goal.  Up to now I have completed 3.  I am substituting the french knots with beads and some of the backstitching with metallic threads with the hope this will add a little sparkle to the ornaments.  So having completed 3 of 24 ornaments I have completed 12.5% of this project.

I've also started stitching the plastic canvas nativity which I hope to have finished for Christmas.  There are 12 pieces in total so at 1 piece a month it seems like quite an achievable goal.  Also they are quite basic designs and have large blocks of colour so I am hoping when the light gets better I may be able to stitch on them in the car going to and from work.  I've started with the biggest part of the set which is the background and here's my progress so far.  If you want to see the finished design you can find it here.

I was thrilled to see on Jill Rensel's blog that she has framed a Living with Charm piece.  It just looks stunning.  It is my goal one day to have one of my pieces framed by Jill.  Here's the link if you want to look.

I'm extremely excited to have signed up to stitch my first Chatelaine - I've chosen to stitch the Anniversay Fairy Tale Castle.  The first part is released at the beginning of April so I have until then to save up my pennies and then decide whether I am going to stitch it in the recommended silks or use the DMC conversion.  I'm thinking I will have to go with the DMC conversion but we'll see.

I've also splurged again in the HAED sale and bought the four Randall Spangler story keeps recently released.  I will also get the fifth one when it comes out as I want to stitch them all on one piece of fabric.  I'm thinking a hand dyed piece so that the fabric acts like matting in between the pictures but I'm not sure yet what colour fabric I will stitch on.

Week beginning 21st July 2024

I'm happy to say that following on from a poor stitching week last week I've had a great week this week.  Achieved all my goals and ...