Friday, 25 February 2011

Masquerade SK as of 25.02.11

Well I have finally completed page 1 of the SK Masquerade, I've done a lot more than page 1 but to finally get that last stitch in and complete a page was a great feeling.  This week I've done 1,261 stitches which brings me to a total of 13,954 stitches done which is 73.76% complete.

I've decided to make this my main focus piece and will be stitching on it evey other week unless that clashes with the QS SAL.  I am desperate to start a new project but also want a finish.  Masquerade is the project I am nearest to completing so it makes sense to concentrate on this and get it finished.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Calling all stitchers of Chatelaine Designs

So I've been seeing loads of blogs where people are stitching Chatelaine Designs.  Now these are such gorgeous designs they really intrigue me but I can't seem to find out much about them.  So I am putting out a call for information - if you are familiar with these designs and can answer any of these questions I'd be really interested.  Or if you can just tell me your experiences with these designs, i.e which you stitched first, how you decide what fabric to stitch them on etc etc.

Are they cross stitch designs?  If you join in a mystery how does that work?  Is there a particular design you would recommend starting with?  Do they have to be stitched on linen or can you do them on aida?  Any other information you can share with me.

Thanks for reading and (hopefully) sharing your experiences!

Monday, 21 February 2011

Believe as of 20.02.11

Here's my latest update for Believe.  I've completed another two colours I've done just over 1,000 stitches which means in total I have now done 3,508 of 29,250 which is 11.99% complete.

Just to remind you as well I still have lots of items for sale or swap on the Sale or Swap page.  Thanks for looking.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Items for Sale or Swap

I've been sorting through my stash this week and have decided to be truly ruthless and try and sell or swap any item which I don't think I will ever get time to stitch.  It's breaking my heart to sell some of these items but I have so many more that I think there is more chance of me stitching.

Items for Sale or Swap
Please take at look and hopefully someone will get some enjoyment from these items.

Thanks for looking.

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Hickory Dickory Dock as of 12.02.11 - PAGE 1 COMPLETE!

It feels like it has been so long since I have completed something and even though I haven't completed the total design the fact that I have completed one page feels great.  I love how you can just see the eye peeking out from the clock.

So I have now completed 10,347 stitches which is 35.37% of the total design.

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Blue Rose Fairy as of 06.02.11

So here's my update on Blue Rose Fairy.  I've managed to do 2,235 stitches on this bringing the total number of stitches done to 4,194 which is 12.12% complete.  I'm really enjoying watching this grow as it is quite diffferent from any of my other projects.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Christmas Stocking at 03.02.11

This week I've been working on the Christmas Stocking for my son.  So here's the picture of my progress.

It's only been two colours up to now apart from the white snowflakes.  It certainly makes a change from all my other projects which have lots of colour changes.  So I've now completed 2,064 of 17,502 stitches so it is 11.79% complete.

Week beginning 21st July 2024

I'm happy to say that following on from a poor stitching week last week I've had a great week this week.  Achieved all my goals and ...