Monday, 20 April 2015

Stitch from Stash - April

Month: April 2015
Brought forward from March - £10.53 + March £25 = £35.53
Spent: £31.11
Earned: Nothing
Carried forward to April: £4.42

My first purchase this month was a Drawn Thread chart from a Facebook group which cost me £2.

I purchased some DMC variations threads for my new Northern Expressions Needlework project costing in total £9.93.

I purchased two charts from KLT Charting costing £8.

I also got myself some more threads from Jodyri Designs.  I got a duo set of number 5 and number 8 perle in Alaskan Beauty and also a skein of Tropical Bay silk total costs £6.19

I also purchased 4 Just Nan charts from a Facebook group for £5.

Sorry but I've not taken pictures of anything this month.

Keep stitching, smiling and destashing

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Plum Pudding - Glendon Place - 07.04.15

The 7th April marked the end of the second week of my SAL with Amanda aka Mrs Milkybarkid on Plum Pudding by Glendon Place.

It's strange to watch my own piece and Amanda's grow as we have both taken completely different approaches as to how we stitch it.  We both started in the middle and she has worked outwards in a circular pattern.  I started in the middle and stitched one section in each colour as I was eager to see what each silk looked like.  I then worked out to the top left hand corner and I am now completing the pattern from the top down but completing each section as I go.  I hope that makes some sort of sense!

Here are my before and after pictures.

I'm looking forward to 1st May to get another week stitching on this.

Keep stitching and smiling

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Jodyri Mystery SAL - Part 2

The latest part of the Jodyri Mystery SAL was released today but as you know I am lucky enough to have received the full chart in advance so I can model stitch it for Michelle.

Here is part 1 stitched in case you've forgotten:

And here is part 2:

I'm really enjoying this chart and it is a quick and easy stitch.  Unfortunately if you've not signed up now it's too late but I believe Michelle will be releasing the chart for general release at some point in the future.

Keep stitching and similing

Week beginning 21st July 2024

I'm happy to say that following on from a poor stitching week last week I've had a great week this week.  Achieved all my goals and ...