So I left it on the side to cool thinking it was cooked. But when I turned it out of the cake tin the entire centre of the cake was still liquid, this is how much cake mixture I scooped out of the middle.
And this is what the bottom of the cake looked like after having the mixture scooped out.
It wasn't cooked properly all around the inner edge, I ate a bit of the outside and after picking the burnt bits off the top it was very tasty. However I ended up throwing it away because I just wasn't sure if it was cooked properly and didn't want to risk poisioning anyone! I was even more cross with myself the next day when I discovered two tins the same size at the back of a cupboard!! Anyway it didn't put me off and I made some more Chelsea Buns the next day, I didn't put the glaze on top this time and they were a lot drier than the first time but still nice, I'll definitely use the glaze next time though.
I discovered Stitching the Night Away recently and they are having a give away for anyone that sends photos in of a completed Brushstroke Butterfly. This is a free design which you can download from their website. A colleague of mine is retiring early in May and I decided that this would make a lovely card for her. It is stitched on 25 count hand dyed Lugana called Apricot Blush from Crafty Kitten. I used a variegated Anchor thread (1315) rather than the recommended colours and did tent stitch 2 over 1. Rather than doing the rows in straight lines I stitched on the diagonal so the stripes wouldn't be quite so obvious. I'm pleased with how it turned out and will probably stitch this design again as I think it is a very effective design. I started this on 16th April 2011 and finished on 21st April 2011. I'll add another picture when it's been made up into a card.
Some progress has been made on the jumper "Little Boy Blue" for Samuel. I have now stitched one shoulder together and picked up all the stitches for the neck band and knitted the neck band. I now face the daunting task of stitching in the sleeves which I will hopefully be able to do sometime soon but not without the help of my mum! I've also been knitting a blanket for my cousin who is currently pregnant and will hopefully post a picture next time.
Oh dear... I'm sorry to hear about the cake mishap. Definitely agree with you throwing it away though, since it had that huge uncooked portion.
Pretty butterfly.... I love the colors you've picked and that was a great idea to do the stitches diagonally. What a special card this will be for your retiring friend.
Looking forward to seeing your knitting pictures. :)
Using the butterfly for a card was a great idea :) I love the colors you used, very pretty!
Butterfly is lovely! Bad news about the cake - but hopefully it won't happen again now eh! Hooray on nearly finishing the jumper!
Thanks everyone :-)
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