Monday, 26 December 2011

Baby Patchwork as of 26.12.11

A good friend of mine is pregnant and I asked her to choose a birth sampler for me to stitch for her little boy.  She chose Baby Patchwork by Cinnamon Cat which I started on 21.12.11.  I have done 1,600 stitches and it is now 14.5% complete.  It's stitched on 14 count cream aida, 2 over 1 full crosses.

I was a bit unsure of the colours when I first started stitching it but I think they come together really well.

I've also finally got round to framing my Home of a Needleworker which I finished earlier this year.

I'm really pleased with how it looks and I'm hoping it will be hanging on the wall before the end of the year.

I had a lovely Christmas.  My little boy is 2 in January and he was so excited with all his presents.  He was even more excited when he got up the next day and they were all still here, I think he thought he only had them for one day!


sharine said...

Great new start and glad you had a good Christmas!

Topcho said...

Love the colours of the birth sampler! They're so bright and cheerful :)

Lou said...

Love the colours of the birth sampler and the home sampler looks fantastic framed x

blue star stitcher said...

The colors look great on the birth sampler. It gave me a laugh u knew how many stitches were done and what percentage, I could never be that organized.

The Crafty Princess said...

Snap, also doing a birth sampler. You started yours much later than mine and have already completed so so much more than me. It looks lovely so far Nicola. Don't worry about the colours - baby samplers are meant to be very vivid to the point of a little kitsch. I think it looks great anyway. The sampler looks lovely too, nice framing!
Alicia xo

Joysze said...

I agree with you on the sampler colors. They look great.

Framing looks great, hope you get it up on the wall soon.

And awwww, at your little boy. How cute is that? Heheh.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Love your little boy!
When the large boy was 2 I asked him what he wanted from Santa, he looked at me amazed and said "Santa bring me clacking frog". He'd got a pair of frog castanets from the pre-Xmas party and thought that was it!
I'm planing on starting Needleworker in the New Year. It's No 4 on my list after my 3 WIPS!

Week beginning 21st July 2024

I'm happy to say that following on from a poor stitching week last week I've had a great week this week.  Achieved all my goals and ...